How to install GPT fdisk

GPT fdisk, often referred to as gdisk, is a command-line partitioning tool that works with GUID Partition Table (GPT) disks. Here are general steps for installing gdisk on different operating systems:

For Linux:

Using Package Manager (Debian/Ubuntu):


sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gdisk 

Using Package Manager (Fedora):


sudo dnf install gdisk 

Using Package Manager (openSUSE):


sudo zypper install gdisk 

For macOS:

  1. Homebrew:
  • If you have Homebrew installed, run:

brew install gdisk 
  1. MacPorts:
  • If you have MacPorts installed, run:

sudo port install gdisk 

For Windows:

  1. Using Chocolatey:
  • If you have Chocolatey installed, run:

choco install gptfdisk 
  1. Manual Installation:
  • Download the Windows version of gdisk from the official website: GPT fdisk for Windows.
  • Extract the downloaded archive, and copy the executable files to a directory in your system's PATH.

After Installation:

Once you have installed gdisk, you can use it by opening a terminal or command prompt window and typing gdisk. Remember that using gdisk requires administrative privileges, so you might need to use sudo on Linux or run your terminal as an administrator on Windows.

Keep in mind that gdisk is a powerful tool, and modifying disk partitions can result in data loss. Be sure to understand the commands and options provided by gdisk before making any changes to your disk.

Always check the official documentation and source for the most up-to-date information, as installation methods and commands may change over time.